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Inspiration of a system
The Spaghetti Tower
Time Allowed: 30 min
Objective: To construct a tower as high as possible using spaghetti and marshmallows. Limited supplies of material are available. Pieces of spaghetti may be broke into desire lengths.
Material: spaghetti (c. 50g/team)
Team size: Suggested team size is three
1. Only the material provided may be used the highest tower at the end of the day will be the winner.
2. The judge’s decision in all matter is final.
This is the system that inspired me because it has a simple concept with a difficult task. It seems easy but it’s not. When I attempted this challenge it was a fail. When you see the video of who constructs the tower the best, and its children because they don’t think of failing. It’s not an artist but it’s the idea of the system.
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