This is so we get a feel of the environment of the park
when were not there. I like the linking idea....but we should
do it in a interesting and fun way. The history does not have to be accurate
for example...(cannon on McKinley statue was activated by some teenagers to blow up the court house, and they were hired by the Freemasons).
I believe we should play off some conspiracy theories of the Freemasons.
Or have fun with church of science i belive we could bring these things to life by streching the truth because i feel people dont give a fudge of accurate history so we have to give what the people want something funny, odd, or evil. Ill try to come up wit some more ideas.

i like where you are going with this...i think we narrowed down a basic concept of the idea... but more "twists" as to how it will all come together could make it more interesting....