Tuesday, March 22, 2011

St James as a SYSTEM

How do we achieve this?

Interdependence in a system- every part of a system has an effect on everything else in the system.
There is more to the reason why things become what they are.

Hierarchical organizations-
Systems are organized in hierarchical fashion. [Ex- business president vs. business workers (fast & efficient)]
Flat structure ("indian pow-wow") - everyone is on the same level and eventually comes to a consensus.
Self regulation & control- goal driven systems that are nearly self determining.
Environment- responsive to the environment in which it sits.
Change - what will this place become.

"Artist insert 'gears' into a world that they don't understand."
An artist can invest themselves in a system and interrupt a system.

"To know an environment is to know its destiny."
what is the destiny of St. James Park?
(Maybe we should speak to the National Register of Historical Places, or someone in charge of the historical districts in San Jose.)

Understand the system of St. James place. How is the space organized in terms of who calls the shots and who must comply.
Don't decorate, EXPLICATE!

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