Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Sunday, March 27, 2011


I had an idea to incorporate system we have to involve the city and the park and recreations and historical people because there part of the system.
im not to sure does he wants us 2 start giving ideas for the proposal for the event.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Travis' notes from 3-22-11

The inclusion of 'fun' has vastly improved the presentations.

ROOM FOR IMPROVEMENT? Sure. One of the things was keeping it to 15 minutes. Didn't work so well.
Let's pick up the pace, start tightening things up. Inevitably, one will never have that time in a presentation.
Let's consolidate these presentations to be more efficient. For now it's okay, but for the near future let's do that.

Goldstein will either be there on april 5th or 12th. SOMEONE will be here on the 5th. It may be Barbara or not. Depending on who that is, the schedule will change. When she comes, we will not have 4 presentations. We'll have about 5 minutes to lay out EVERYTHING. It's about illuminating the STRATEGY of our investigation, and a conversation about the OPPORTUNITIES.

• Thinking through what we're doing… as a kind of strategy for revealing SYSTEMS.
Systems are sets of inner parts that work together as individual wholes.
Our system was CLOSED (nothing comes in or goes out). A board game is restricted. St. James is NOT. Let's accommodate that.
NONSUMMATIVITY: Assertion that a system gets to a place where it may become a separate entity from its sum of its parts. (GESTALT)
The synergy of its parts makes it something more.
°A representational-only system is doomed to only be that. It lacks identity.
Systems have interdependence. This means every part of a system has an effect on every other part. A single cog missing in a watch/clock would cause it all to stop working. (Beckons Chaos theory) When designing systems, everything matters, one must know the relationships!
MOST SYSTEMS ARE DESIGNED TOP-DOWN. Hierarchy is key in this approach. (Not all systems work like this… some are FLAT.)
SOME ARE FLAT. When it works, it's very slow but everyone has equal footing. Top-down works quickly but puts off the people on bottom.
THE POINT IS as we compile strategies, we must also incorporate structures for how all this makes sense. How will this all work?
What is the management structure for the California Theater?
° Self-management/Self-control is inherent in stable systems.
The circle of Palms is a performance stage, and it's very clear in what it is NOT.
It's the stage for a skating rink, for instance.
° Environments impact these systems as well. The environment effects how the system operates & performs.
The California theater does not sit by itself. It is amongst other venues, managed by a team of many people. THAT'S its environment, with consequences political and social. St. James is in a similar situation. The landscape is situated in the Urban Plan of SJ. Unless we can equate where these relationships are, we're not going to be able to discern what the space is about. It's not just what it is today, it's what it's been as part of an urban plan.

° Balance. Systems fail when they cannot achieve balance.
All systems have points of imbalance, simply for being created and existing. Some gears are better optimized, but that in and of itself means there's imbalances between the gears! ALL THINGS ARE PRONE TO ENTROPY.
° Lastly, Change. Systems that survive are systems that adapt. What will be the thing that sustains our system as an organization over time? THAT'S WHERE THE MONEY IS. Not literally money… as in, the flip-switch, what drives the ability to get on the same page with us and get what we want to happen done. If we don't help the system become sustainable, we shan't succeed.


They insert gears into systems that don't understand it and therefore cause it to disintegrate. WE. ARE. DANGEROUS. BEINGS.
That's not a bad thing, per se! We disrupt systems, but sometimes that's necessary! Doing so in a way that doesn't play along the rules, THAT'S where things go wrong! Artists are not necessarily vandals!

Moral of the Story: Don't decorate. Explicate.
FOLLOW. THE. PATH. Do so and you'll get to where you're going. If you think you SEE where you're going, you're not on the path.

St James as a SYSTEM

How do we achieve this?

Interdependence in a system- every part of a system has an effect on everything else in the system.
There is more to the reason why things become what they are.

Hierarchical organizations-
Systems are organized in hierarchical fashion. [Ex- business president vs. business workers (fast & efficient)]
Flat structure ("indian pow-wow") - everyone is on the same level and eventually comes to a consensus.
Self regulation & control- goal driven systems that are nearly self determining.
Environment- responsive to the environment in which it sits.
Change - what will this place become.

"Artist insert 'gears' into a world that they don't understand."
An artist can invest themselves in a system and interrupt a system.

"To know an environment is to know its destiny."
what is the destiny of St. James Park?
(Maybe we should speak to the National Register of Historical Places, or someone in charge of the historical districts in San Jose.)

Understand the system of St. James place. How is the space organized in terms of who calls the shots and who must comply.
Don't decorate, EXPLICATE!

Homeless in San Jose- Part 1

Monday, March 21, 2011

[conscience] part one

about homeless in st james park

1st Unitarian Church of SJ

Built in 1891 by a local architect G.W. Page with the Romanesque Revival style (Transylvania Unitarian Church).
- The Free Religious brand of Unitarianism rejected placing the source of religious authority solely in the Bible or in religious hierarchy; rather, it opted for inclusion of the intuitive and direct experience of God, ethical theism, unlimited spiritual freedom, and social activism. Those who embraced this approach were often known as the "Unity Men."(
Pic is outside of the church wen it was first revealed.

scottish rite

I am the Scottish Rite Temple, i was built in 1924 by the great architect Carl Warner, i was built for the Scottish Rite Masonic Order (freemasons). I have a lot of Egyptian style designs all around me like the famous twin sphinxes. John Travolta and Dustin Hoffman made the movie mad city in the mid 90's. Now i am San Jose athletic club.

Is this the style that we should narrate our buildings in???

quick summary of this site


San Jose was the location of California's first state capital.

- only two years, 1849 to 1851

Initial Senate sessions had to be held in a private residence

In 1866, Valley residents began erecting this Neo-Classical monument in an attempt to persuade the California government to re-locate the state capital to San Jose.

A contest for the building's design resulted in Levi I. Goodrich's architectural plans being chosen in 1860.

Begun in 1866 and completed by January 1, 1868 (at a cost of $200,000)

Didn’t convince the legislators to return

Today it serves as one of the numerous Superior Court of California facilities in Santa Clara County.

The Hall of Records was built adjacent to the Old Courthouse in 1893, and housed the offices of the county clerk, treasurer, auditor, surveyor, recorder and superintendent of schools.

Many old buildings were lost in the 1960's, and the Hall of Records went under the wrecker's ball in November 1966.

-hazard risk

- not worth saving

First Woman Lawyer in the State

Clara Foltz, the first woman ever admitted to the bar in California (in 1878) was a San Jose housewife and mother of five who went on to practice law in San Jose.

Foltz drafted a bill to change the law's wording for becoming an attorney from being just for "white males" to being "any citizen or person".

Foltz is also credited with writing the law that gave women the right to vote in 1911.

Outlaws in the Old Courthouse

Tiburcio Vasquez

convicted in Santa Clara County (after the trial was moved from Southern California) of leading a Wild West-style gang involving stage-coach holdups and murderous raids.

He was executed here for murder in 1875. Vasquez had a reputation as a gallant lady's man, and while on trial in San Jose, he received messages of sympathy, as well as candy and flowers, from women he scarcely knew or he had never met.

Courthouse Fire

Fire proved to be a bigger threat early on than earthquakes, and on May 18, 1931, a fire quickly spread through the courthouse, causing extensive damage including the loss of the dome.

The fire actually melted the dome to the point that the covering layer of copper dripped down the front steps of the building.

The dome, which had 172 steps to the iron-railed observation deck at the top, was no more. When the courthouse was restored in 1932 it was without the dome, but with the addition of a third floor and Spanish tile roof.

-At this time the portico was removed, and the columns recessed into the facade.

-Above the main entrance, the original frieze was inscribed with the motto "Justitia Dedicate" (Dedicated to Justice). This was replaced with the words "Santa Clara County Courthouse" after the post-fire repairs.

McKinley's Cannon

The bronze cannon on the bottom step of the McKinley monument (erected after President McKinley spoke in the St. James Park - see section on St. James Park, above) has played a part in the history of the Old Courthouse.

A Halloween "prank" in 1932 resulted in the cannon in the park being loaded with gun-powder and the fuse being lit.

The resulting explosion blew out the windows of the Santa Clara County Courthouse across the street.

It is believed that the current "cement plug" in the cannon was placed there in the hope of deterring any similar pranks in the future.

3 opportunities and 3 challenges the sites provide


-Use the projector onto the courthouse from the McKinleys Cannon as an reenactment of the 1932 prank (interactive)

-use projector on church of Christ scientist to show off its architecture

-open lot behind church of Christ scientist


-Historic building

Friday, March 18, 2011

interesting site with basic info

heres a site i found that has basic info and some god photos. click!
may help you with some basic historical information

Excerpt from "Rehabilitation/Adaptive Reuse Study for First Church of Christ Scientist

"In 1978, the First Church of Christ Scientist became, along with eight other buildings, a contributing structure of the St. James quare Historic DIstrict, National Register of Historic Places, Washington D.C.. The building is also a Registered Historic Landmark of the City of San Jose.

The Historic Prservation Ordinance requires the submittal of a Historic Preservation (HP) Permit for approval of any exterior modifications to the COntributuing Structures within the Historic District. (Municipal Code Section 13.48.210). "

--The Office of Jerome King, 1991

[Possible one of the required 3 challenges]

Info on Buildins


New Info

For next week each team is to continue to conduct research including a more detailed mapping of the sites and the more informed historical/archeological/anthropological/social/political context. Teams will provide short updates (10 minutes) in class.

DO NOT read from PPT. DO NOT simply stand up in front of the class and rotate speaking roles. Create a coherent presentation by determining the character, roles and quality of the presentation as a matter of professional communication.
Begin to think of this more performatively, An important goal is to create a style that builds onfidence in your teams tactical and strategic approach to the sites.

For Tuesday I want each team to identify what it believes are 3 opportunities and 3 challenges the sites provide. This should be included in the 10 minute presentation.

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

for next tuesday.....EXPLICATION

We have decided to embody one of the buildings in the area, including the park itself.
We will each do extensive research about the "quirky" stories or tales that give these buildings/places history.

Cris - San Jose Athletic Club
Travis - Church of Christ Scientist
Nichole - Post Office
Mike - Court House
Teck - St. James Park

We will speak as if we are the building telling a story of how it became.

Also, on Friday we will meet up at St. James Park around 1-ish to talk to people. So there will be two sides to our presentations. We will be telling the stories that are usually never heard.

Monday, March 14, 2011

So for next week....

It looks like Joel is looking for an engaging presentation of what St. James is about.
He considers everything we are doing with St. James as the ART.

We should figure out what we will be doing for next week's presentation. Some ideas I've heard that we are interested in doing is:

-interviews with people there
-some sort of interaction with the people there
-games? stories? video? recording? storytime?

How are we going to execute the presentation?

-powerpoint presentation (Joel explicitly says that he hated this format and we need to level up)
-play video (boring and TIME-consuming; thus we should avoid this at all cost)
-play audio
-showcasing artifacts from St. James and make a gallery out of them (any items found at the site)
-personal verbal accounts of our experience there as storytime?
-playing a game involving social themes?

my pick is along the lines of the last three suggestions for our execution.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011


on the site there is no info. on st. james when you try to find it.
we could do it? for $? well not seriously, but it is a possibility.
check it here.

Explication not decoration - words from Joel (paraphrased)

Explication NOT Decoration
more substance = more possibilities
these places are RICH in what already exists in this place "in the dirt"
the public does not know what is here. just like we didn't know before.
what if you were an archeologist, anthropologist, architect.....the list goes on.
as artists we are not ONLY responsible to decorate San Jose. how do we explicate the site?
as artists we can make "non-art"- is there a different way to approach this?

some websites

Here are some website links that we should get familiar with. Just skim over it if you can!
We need to know what were talking about!
An important aspect of St. James Park is the historical qualities of the area.

Monday, March 7, 2011

St james park p2

Check out this SlideShare Presentation: this is what i got so far, just noticed i put group 4. where group 2

Direct relevant links on St. James

Though a bit outdated... even the San Jose department for Parks and Recreation stopped doing their annual report by 2009. I am assuming this lack of maintenance is due to the budget crisis:

St. James district homepage by SJ Downtown Dwellers Neighborhood Services

St. James improvements by SJ Redevelopment Agency (with some pdf of construction, design, schedule, and master plan)

2002 St. James master plan by SJ Redevelopment Agency

Family Rec. Area at St. James Park plan by SJ Redevelopment Agency

Downtown San Jose Association's description for St. James district

Recent blurb from Silicon Valley Lofts

Friday, March 4, 2011

answers to our questions

-Who is responsible for the site?
City of San Jose
Albert Balagso, Director of San Jose Parks, Recreation and Neighborhood Services
-Who are the stakeholders? (i.e. Parks and Rec. for St. James Park)
+Parks and Recreation
+homeless people
+bars and restaurants - Trials Pub, Tuskies Germania,
+VTA commuters/ VTA- Light Rail train runs right down the middle of St. James Park, two access the two segments of the park you must cross the Light Rail tracks
+businesses & law offices - SJAC (San Jose Athletic Club), Office Building, Unitarian Church,
+Post Office
+San Jose Court House
+Residents in nearby area- apartment building located at North West side of park, families with chilidren (playground in park)
-Who does this place matter to?
City of San Jose (parking meters located all around park), homeless people (they hang out here), squirrels ( may become an issue for environmentalists), Seniors (Senior Center used to be located at North East edge of park), VTA commuters, community, Historical Society of San Jose (multiple landmarks/statues in park), Parks and Recreation/Arborists (keep up the greenery- grass is very nice), San Jose Redevelopment Agency "master plan" (being executed now),
-What agendas are at work? What happens here already?
Music in the Other Park (Music in the Park occurs at Ceasar Chavez Park), Zero1, San Jose Redevelopment Agency has began construction of "master plan" demolishing the Senior Center,
[Permitting for buildings, food, grass, safety, fire, parking,events], City of San Jose regulates these issues, State- state level regulates city stuff,
imported palm trees
St. James Park Master Plan of 2002. What is the St. James Park Master Plan you ask? It is a plan between the San Jose Redevelopment Agency and the City of San Jose to revitalize the St. James Historic District"
maintaining its National Register of Historic Places designation.
events financed by San Jose Downtown Residents Association

-Full diagrammatic/architectural renderings (blue-print/measurements)

Thursday, March 3, 2011


were meeting at St.James Park tomorrow at 11am ya'll!
I'll bring my camera to take photos.